1.只修改字段长度 修改 pg_attribute通过修改 pg_attribute 基表的方式来绕开这个限制pg_attribute (详情)2.BEGIN select deps_save_and_drop_dependencies('public', 'a'); alter table a alter name type varchar(30...
1.只修改字段长度 修改 pg_attribute通过修改 pg_attribute 基表的方式来绕开这个限制pg_attribute (详情)2.BEGIN select deps_save_and_drop_dependencies('public', 'a'); alter table a alter name type varchar(30...
1.查看数据库的进程。SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='死锁的数据库ID ';检索出来的字段中,【wating 】字段,数据为t的那条,就是死锁的进程,找到对应的【procpid 】列的值。例如:SELECT procpid FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='数据库ID' and waiti...
If you have Nginx in front of another webserver that's running on port 8108 and serve its content by proxy_pass of everything from a subdir, e.g. /subdir, then you might have the issue that the ser...
Lets say for python package spacy. (1)set CONDA_PKGS_DIRS= (2)conda install -c conda-forge spacy --download-only --> it will download to folder set in CONDA_PKGS_DIRS. (3) conda install --offlin...
配置 apt 国内源sed -i 's/archive.ubuntu.com/mirrors.aliyun.com/g' /etc/apt/sources.list # 更新源 apt update/etc/init.wsl#! /bin/sh # Filename: /etc/init.wsl # Usage: /etc/init.wsl [start|stop|res...